Christmas Blues and Jazz Bootcamp Starts Dec 7th for Beginner/intermediate players Instant pre-download of all resources including member pre-bootcamp playlist Blues and jazz bootcamp link I am excited to be
In this Blues Piano Tutorial in C, I take you through an entire practice session for 16min while we break this lick down and learn it in 3 keys. The
Here is an example of the Alt blues bass line course coming out in March. Please like the video and get download the pdf here The pdf will be
Here is a great New Orleans style blues lick to add to your vocabulary. It is example no. 3 from Blues Piano Vol. 2. One great thing about the blues
iMusicAcademy, I just wanted to share a few thoughts about managing your practice time. Practicing the piano can be an overwhelming task if we don’t have specific goals in mind.
Here is an excerpt from Blues Piano Volume 3 from Also, Here is the pdf. Blues Piano Vol 3 ex 6 – Piano Please let me know how you
iMusicAcademy, Here is one of the more popular licks that you guys ask me about. The key to getting this blues lick under your fingers is to isolate the lick
Check out this example from Solo Blues piano with Champe. In this first example, Champe plays the blues solo and the begins teaching the solo. This first example is 1
iMusicAcademy, For this video I wanted to do something a little different. When pianists learn the dorian mode, this is one of the most important voicings to learn. It comes
Blues Courses (and jazz course) have 4 hours of Video and 40 pdfs I have been getting a lot of questions about the blues courses. The number 1 question is “Do